
Cooking Classes Book Now

The high quality of Moroccan cuisine is a secret to nobody and is seen today in the greatest “Chefs” of the world’s capitals. Its richness, variety and flavor make it one of the most famous styles in the world. Discover trough our Cooking Lesson the spices and recipes of traditional Moroccan dishes. Start at 09.30 from the Riad and discover the local market where you will buy all fresh produce you need to make the dishes. Then back to the Riad and after a mint tea break, our cook will teach you tricks and secrets of the dishes over 2 hours, starters, main plate and dessert. At 01.00 pm you will sit down to enjoy eating your own creation and then leave knowing some of the traditional secrets of Moroccan cooking, including the recipes. Drinks included. Departure : 9h30. Return : 14h. Cost per person : 50 €.
